




We believe the Bible to be the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and authoritative Word of 神. It is the single most important source of our understanding of 神 and all of His creation. 它塑造了我们的信仰, 指引我们的人生, 给了我们一个观察和理解我们周围世界的镜头. 这是上帝所选择的揭示通往天堂之路的书. 正如约翰卫斯理所说:“哦,把那本书给我! 无论如何,把上帝的书给我.”

我们相信圣经是绝对真理的唯一来源. 圣经是我们唯一可靠的道德指南. We are moral and spiritual creatures living in a world that is controlled by moral and spiritual values. 我们不能, 无论是单独还是集体, decide what truth is or what is to be accepted as a true standard for moral behavior without the transcendent absolute truths that are given to us in Scripture. To deny Scripture as the standard for absolute truth is to remove any absolute standard for moral behavior and reasoning.

我们的 核心价值观、使命和愿景 抓住我们相信神呼召我们去做的事.


所有的圣经都是上帝的默示, 对教义是有益的, 的责备, 为校正, 为要在公义上受教训.


我们的信仰宣言并没有穷尽我们信仰的范围. 圣经本身是我们所有信仰的唯一和最终来源.

我们相信, 然而, that our 信仰声明 accurately represents the teaching of the Bible and, 因此, 对所有董事会成员都有约束力, 军官, 员工, 和公司的活动.

All literature used as authoritative in the Ministry shall be in complete agreement with the 信仰声明.

我们相信只有一位上帝, 自我存在和永恒, 造物主, 支撑的, 是万物的主宰, 无限完美,永远存在于三个人之中, 父亲, 儿子, 和圣灵.



We believe that the 圣经s of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of 神, 是由圣灵所写和默示的, 在原始手稿中是无误的.

They contain all that is necessary to our salvation and are of supreme authority for faith and practice.


我们相信我们的主耶稣基督, 上帝永恒的独生子, became man without ever ceasing to be 神; that He was conceived by the 圣灵, 圣母玛利亚所生, 过着无罪的生活.

他死在十字架上, making a full and satisfactory atonement for the sins of the whole human race, 第三天,身体从坟墓里复活,升入天堂, 他坐在神的右边,作我们的代祷者.


我们相信圣灵, 神性的第三位格, 是赐生命的主吗, 就是常常荣耀我们主耶稣基督的人, 使男人和女人认罪, 并重生一切悔改信靠基督得救的人.

信徒是靠着圣灵成圣的, indwelt, and guided into all truth; and it is also by Him that Christ lives in the church, 福音被宣讲, 神的国在世上兴旺了.


We believe that man was created in the image of 神; but as the result of Adam’s sin, 整个人类都与上帝疏远了,陷入了罪中.

从本质上讲,我们就是这样堕落堕落的, 敌视上帝和他的律法, 我们完全无法弥补我们失去的状态.

借着他先前的恩典, 上帝恢复了所有人类的道德感受力, 使我们每个人都能回应他的救恩.


我们相信救恩是唯独神的恩典, 但这是我们必须欣然接受的礼物. Thus 神 graciously justifies and regenerates all who repent of their sins and believe on 耶稣基督 as Lord and Savior.

作为神的儿女, 他们就恢复了与他的交通, 从罪的刑罚中释放出来的, 以及它的任性行为, 最初是由住在他们里面的圣灵成圣的.


We believe that 神 calls all believers to entire sanctification in a moment of full consecration and faith subsequent to their new birth in 耶稣基督.

被圣灵充满, 他们的心从遗传的堕落中得到净化, and they are empowered for continued growth in their relationship with Christ, 胜利的生活, 和卓有成效的服务.

在完全成圣之前和之后都有恩典的成长, dynamically expressed in advancing holiness and increasing spiritual maturity.


We believe that believers are assured of personal salvation by the infallible promises of 神’s Word, 被圣灵内在的见证所证实, and attested by a good conscience and the presence of the fruit of the Spirit in their lives.


We believe that believers are assured of personal salvation by the infallible promises of 神’s Word, 被圣灵内在的见证所证实, and attested by a good conscience and the presence of the fruit of the Spirit in t


我们相信这是所有基督徒的喜乐和责任, 借着圣灵的能力, 正直地生活, 获胜地, 和牺牲地, 顺服神的律法, 忠信的:在使用恩典的方法上忠信的, 不断地分享他们心中的希望, 并富有同情心地服务于人类的需要.


We believe that the true church of 耶稣基督 is composed of all who are united to Him in saving faith and who are thus members of the body of which He is the head.

所有的基督徒都应该与教会相交, 合一敬拜三位一体的神, 支持宣教世界的伟大使命, 用纯洁而热烈的心彼此相爱.


我们相信我们的主耶稣基督 will personally return in glory at the end of the age, 正如他所应许的, and that He will consummate His kingdom and judge the world in righteousness.

他的到来, 正如我们所承认的, is the “blessed hope” which is set before us and for which we must live in constant joyful readiness.


我们相信那些在基督里死去的人是与他同在的, 而那些在罪中死去的人却要忍受地狱的折磨, 等待最后的判决.

所有的人都要从死里复活, 就是那些在基督里死了的人,得着永远的福气, and those who have rejected Him to conscious and everlasting punishment in the lake of fire.


我们相信这是为了他自己的荣耀和他自己的旨意, the Triune 神 created heaven and earth and all things visible and invisible, 有生命和无生命.



We believe that all the saved should live in such a manner as not to bring reproach upon their Savior and Lord.

上帝命令他的子民与所有宗教的叛教分离, 所有世俗和罪恶的快乐, 实践, 和协会, 并且要克制一切不谦虚和不节制的表现, 首饰的佩戴, 穿孔, 以及身体上的标记.


We believe that 神 has given to us the gift of sexuality which must be exercised only within the boundaries of covenanted, 终身, 异性婚姻. Intimate sexual relationships outside of marriage and sexual relationships between persons of the same sex are immoral and sinful.

特别是我们谴责同性恋, 女同性恋, 双性恋, 人兽交, 乱伦, 淫乱, 通奸, 色情, and other forms of licentiousness as sinful perversions of the divine gift of sexuality.


We believe that 神 has instituted the family as the foundational unit of human society and it begins with the legitimate marriage of one man and one woman.

在其结构中, 正如他所命定的, parents are responsible to instruct their children in Christian faith and conduct, 在他们面前树立敬虔一致的榜样, and in every way to “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”

在家庭生活的秩序上, 圣经要求:“你们作妻子的,要顺服自己的丈夫, 至于主 . . . husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it . . . 你们作儿女的,要在主里听从父母,这是理所当然的.”


The sanctity and dignity of human life demands respect for all human life, 尤其是在它最脆弱的阶段和条件下. We believe that human life begins at conception and that the unborn child is a living human being.

Abortion constitutes the unjustified, unexcused taking of unborn human life. 堕胎是谋杀.

我们反对任何因强奸而堕胎的教导, 乱伦, 出生缺陷, 性别选择, 生育或人口控制, 或者母亲的身心健康是可以接受的.

我们进一步认为,杀害弱者, 残疾人士, 精神病患者, 或者老年人, whether by a deliberate act or by coercing or assisting a person to commit suicide, 是不道德的.


We believe that Christians are prohibited from bringing civil lawsuits against other Christians or Christian organizations to resolve personal disputes.

We believe the Christian community possesses all the resources necessary to resolve personal disputes between parties.

我们相信, 然而, that a Christian may seek compensation for injuries from another Christian’s insurance company as long as the claim is pursued without malice or slander.


我们相信主的日子, 星期天庆祝, 一周的第一天, 整个基督教会, 是基督教的安息日, which we reverently observe as a day of rest and worship and as the continuing memorial of 我们的 Savior’s resurrection.

出于这个原因, 在这个神圣的日子里,我们禁止从事世俗的工作和一切商业活动, 除非是出于仁慈或需要.


我们相信生产, 出售, 购买, 以及饮用酒精饮料, 烟草, 毒品, 和其他有害药物, 除非是机械的, 化学, 或者药用目的, is contrary to 神’s requirement that we regard our bodies as temples of the 圣灵.
